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We have data from Taebaek Speedway and autonomous driving K-CITY, 
and we provide customized data suitable for each user’s simulation environment, seamlessly integrated with various simulators.

Hyper-realistic digital twin

Mobiltech's high-precision map-based data scanning enables detailed implementation, providing a vivid experience similar to real road driving.

Simulator integration

Seamless integration with various simulators is possible, offering customized data tailored to each user's simulation environment.

Creating a Racing Circuit Game Map

We created the racing simulation game map "Taebaek Speedway," which is intricately designed based on the Taebaek mountain terrain. This popular map is well-loved by many.

Collection of Works


Hyper-realistic digital twin

Mobilitech's high-precision map-based data scanning enables detailed implementation, providing a vivid experience similar to real road driving.

Simulator integration

Seamless integration with various simulators is possible, offering customized data tailored to each user's simulation environment.

Creating a Racing Circuit Game Map

We created the racing simulation game map "Taebaek Speedway," which is intricately designed based on the Taebaek mountain terrain. This popular map is well-loved by many.

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